Inspired by the story of Marvin Gaye's infamous two years in self-imposed exile in the small Belgian town of Ostend, the creators of Marvin have combined the cafe society of Belgium, with the proud soul of Shaw. Belgian moulles-frites are served along side southern-style shrimp and grits. The classic steak-frites and fried chicken with Belgian waffles are just two of the many top dishes created by Chef James Claudio. Adding to the experience is a soundtrack of rare funk, soul, ska, and jazz created by Thievery Corporation's Eric Hilton. Upstairs at Marvin you'll find one of DC's best lounges and rooftop decks. The turntables inside the lounge are manned by a collective of friends that have been digging for rare soul gems to create the right atmosphere. The roof deck, is heated, partially covered, and open year round.