Yosaku Japanese - Tenleytown DC
Yosakushi writes: Desperately seeking sushi? Or maybe authentic Japanese dishes? We have everything you need to satisfy your craving for a delectable Japanese meal. Yosaku Japanese Restaurant was established in 1982. Since then, it has been not just a community favorite but also a well-known establishment in the Washington, D.C. metro area. It has been regarded by many as an important Japanese fixture visited regularly by not only Sushi afficionados but also by folks from the Japanese community, including members of the Japanese Embassy. Yosaku has often been noted for its authenticity, friendly owner, and the courteous and attentive waitstaff. Its owner, Kiyoto Kondo, also launched Tono Sushi (www.tonosushi.com) in 1998. Yosaku is located at
4712 Wisconsin Ave, Washington, DC 20016