Fortune China - Owings Mills, MD
Popular Chinese restaurant serving large portions and great service in Owings Mills, MD shopping center.
9209 Lakeside Blvd, Owings Mills, MD 21117
(410) 363-2593
Open now: 11:15AM–11PM
Free Delivery
Within 4 miles, driver tip appriciated
$15.00 min. for lunch (11:15 am - 3:00 pm, Mon - Sat)
$20.00 min for dinner (3:00 pm till close, all day Sunday)
Include Owingsmills, Newtown, Reisterstown, Randallstown, Deer Park, Scottslevel and Avalon)
"Great food, great service, warm people, large portions, always tasteful"
"This restaurant is obviously one of the finest place to eat in the neighborhood."
"Fortune China is really not hard to find. And once found, with its etched doors, elegant decor, enticing aromas and specialized Chinese fare, the restaurant isn't easy to forget. Located on Lakeside Boulevard in Owings Mills, the restaurant is a proud tenant in the newly opened Lakeside Village Shopping Center."
- Katie V. Jones "Owings Mills Times"